Pictures of workshop tangle tiles

 CZT Workshop

CZT Workshop

As a CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher), I attend CZT workshops and retreats to continue my learning and add to my creative toolbox. I just completed an international workshop online that was so much fun and very inspirational. There were about twenty presenters that had several videos each teaching different techniques, projects, or ideas that can be taken in so many directions.

Media and Color

This CZT workshop had an autumn theme. I totally enjoyed creating with rich warm colors. We used alcohol markers, colored pencils, watercolors, and Lindy’s Gang Magical Powders. The Lindy’s Magical powders are a dye-based product that was cool to work with. I still prefer using Paul Rubens metallic watercolor paints for sparkle but the magical powders have little bits of different colors in the product that is different than the main color. These pops of different colors make for fun and interesting effects.


I also enjoyed some of the layered texture techniques we learned. One of the Zentangle® techniques I tried is called transcending. I have seen this in other places but have not tried it so I was happy to have the opportunity to play with the technique. There is another layering technique that I am excited to explore that I have not seen before using graphite before tangling. I will definitely incorporate these layers into my own work and some of my tangle classes.


In this CZT workshop we also created ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art). These were some of my favorite classes because they incorporated drawing, tangle patterns, textures, and color theory. These classes allowed for personal creativity that makes art so much fun for me. This being an international workshop I was able to try a more Asian approach to ZIA which was a blast.

Inspiration to Learn

In October, I will be presenting one of the techniques I learned, during this workshop, to other CZT’s at a weekend retreat I will be attending. It is going to be so much fun. It is so important to continue to grow and learn. Although I am a teacher, I am also a student. I hope this post inspires you to learn something new in your endeavors.

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Find more information about the supplies I use by using the links below or visit My Media Resource Page.

Lindy’s Gang Magical Power

Paul Rubens Metallic Watercolors

signature line

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