David Hale Animals


Rabbit with geometric shapes behind it

We are going to use the art of David Hale for our inspiration today. We will draw a large animal and include its habitat in the body area. The rest of the animal will be filled in with line designs you create. We will cut large geometric shapes out and collage all of this together to create our masterpiece.

Rabbit with geometric shapes behind it

David Hale Inspired Animals

David Hale is an illustrator and tattoo artist who lives in Georgia. He is inspired by nature, Native American symbols, and traditional tattoos. He draws tattoos, uses pen and ink, does printmaking, and carves wood to make art.

Open a larger image here.

vocabulary button

David Hale Animals

Rabbit with geometric shapes behind it


Learn more about new words and terms used in this project


  • Definition:
    • A collage is a piece of art created by gluing or attaching photos, paper, or small objects onto a surface.

Open a larger image here.



  • Definition:
    • A line is a mark made by a point moving across a surface.
    • You could also say it is a dot that took a walk.
  • Here is a video to learn more about lines


  • Definition

    • Shapes have width and height, therefore, they are two dimensional.
    • Geometrical shapes are considered man-made and found in math.
    • Organic shapes are irregular and found in nature.

supplies button

David Hale Animals

Rabbit with geometric shapes behind it

Supplies Needed

Supplies for David Hale Animal Project

12 x 12 Black Construction Paper

9 x 12 Any Color Construction Paper

9 x 12 White Drawing Paper

Pencil and Eraser

Black Sharpie and Smaller Black Marker



In case you need a copy of the supplies, here is a place where you can get a copy. ->> Download Now


Things you will need

As a teacher, I have found that gathering your supplies and resources before starting your art project makes creating art so much more fun.

The following are some ideas for this project I hope you will find helpful.

Idea one: Gather the supplies listed on the supply list.

Idea two: One of the biggest challenges I have teaching this project is getting the students to draw the animal big enough. Use 9 x 12 drawing paper and try to draw your animal as big as the paper is. Use as much of the paper as you can.

Idea three: I have drawn a few contour drawings of animals you are welcome to use. You can practice observational drawing by looking at the image and drawing what you see. Just remember, you are drawing it much bigger than you see it. If you have a copier, you can enlarge the image and trace it using a lightbox. What does one do if you don’t have a lightbox? Put your drawing paper over your enlarged image and put it up against a window (during the day), then trace the image.

   Contour drawing of a squirrel and an elephant    Contour drawing of a butterfly and whale    Contour drawing of a frog and a monkey

To print one of the images above select one of the following:

Squirrel and Elephant

Butterfly and Whale

Frog and Monkey



Project Time

Before we start a project it is always a good plan to review the supplies and other things that may be needed. You do not want to get into the project only to learn that you do not have that one essential item. Let’s review now, Click here..

hand drawing for art project
Contour cat drawing with headdress

Follow Along With Video

Rabbit with habitat drawn inside

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painted cat

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various shapes and animal cut out of paper

Follow Along With Video

It was great having you in the class and working with you on this project.

I had a lot of fun and hope you did too.

I look forward to seeing you in my other classes.

head shot of victoria lynn    create with victoria lynn logo

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