Create with Victoria Lynn, Jesus Casts out Demons, Luke 8:24-9:13

Jesus casts out demons.

I remember when I first read the scriptures about Jesus healing a demon-possessed man. (I don’t recall if I was in Matthew, Mark, or Luke) It was riveting and beautiful, then my mouth opened in shock.

We have a man, clearly not in his right mind, living naked in and around tombs near the Sea of Galilee. Matthew says there are two men. They were exceedingly fierce so that no one could pass that way. These men were a menace to the surrounding community. At some point, they were fettered, chained, and guarded but would break free and continue to live in their madness. Can you imagine walking past a cemetery and being accosted by these madmen? Methinks I’ll go a different way!

Jesus and his disciples step out of their boat, and this man runs up to them. He recognized Jesus; he fell before Him saying, “What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee torment me not.” Jesus asked him what his name is. He answered Legion because many devils had entered him. (Side note, during that time a Roman military unit was called a Legion and consisted of three to six thousand soldiers…that’s a lot of demons!) Let’s look at this a little closer.  The devils recognized Jesus and fell before Him. They know who He is and His authority. (James 2:19) They begged Jesus not to torment them before the time, according to Matthew. That tells us they know a time is coming that Jesus will judge them. (Mat 25:41, 2 Peter 2:4)

Legions asked to be allowed to go into the herd of two thousand swine. I’m not sure why Jesus allowed this, but I have some ideas.

  1. It was not the time for Jesus to make an eternal judgment for them.
  2. Swine are considered unclean animals for the Jews so that the pigs could serve a purpose for Jesus. Jesus is in a Gentile community if they are raising pigs. Jew or Gentile all are significant to Jesus. As much as I am an animal lover, the human soul is more important than an animal.
  3. Number three is only my thoughts and opinion. Jesus just showed His disciples that faith allowed Him to rebuke the winds on the Sea of Galilee. Now He is showing them that faith will cast out devils. (along with prayer and fasting Mat 17:21) I think this was a visual for the disciples. These demonic spirits left a person and clearly went somewhere else (in the pigs). The herd of feeding swine instantly went mad and ran off a cliff into the Sea of Galilee to their death. That to me is a visual of a spiritual battle.

Speaking of spiritual battles. Unlike the dramatic good versus evil, we see on television or movie screens; this was not much of a “battle.” Devils asked permission to go into the pigs, Jesus allowed it, and they went. Battle over. Why do you think that is? It is the authority Jesus has. Let’s think that through a little more, if God’s Holy Spirit lives in us, and we stand firm in Jesus Christ, we have that same authority through Jesus Christ to stand against Satan and his dominions. This is excellent material for another devotional. If you want more reading on this topic, read Ephesians 6. 

Our recount is coming to an end with the man or men sitting at the feet of Jesus, fully clothed, in their right minds, calm and rational, and totally healed from demonic possession. It is such a beautiful event! I’m in tears to think about the love, grace, and compassion of Jesus toward a soul that people have given up hope on and avoid. These acts show my amazing God, whom I love so much.

Wait! What?! It does not end here. The community came out to see what the herdsman told them. This menace is now healed and whole sitting at the feet of Jesus. The town’s herd of swine is in the Sea of Galilee. Scripture says the people were taken with great fear and ask Jesus to leave. Jesus left. Is anyone else’s mouth open in surprised astonishment at these people’s reaction? Some people say they feared His authority, while others think it may be the loss of losing a large herd. I’ve heard others say it was a fear of the cost of following Jesus. I’m closing my gaping mouth now and moving on.

The healed man was so thankful and wanted to follow and help Jesus, but Jesus asked him to stay there in his community. Show everyone the great things God has done for him, and he did. That man has a beautiful testimony of the redemptive power of Jesus. If we are a follower of Jesus Christ, we all have very different but powerful testimonies of God’s saving grace. Don’t be afraid to share what God has done for you. It is His story, and you are very much a loved and essential part of it.

Let’s ponder His Word and enjoy the journey.


victoria lynn  

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