high priest

A high priest bridged the gap between people and God. This is a really important position not to be taken lightly. The high priest had stricter commands they had to live by to show themselves holy before God, right down to the details of their clothing. (You can explore more about this in Leviticus.) The high priest had to be pure. If he sinned, he brought guilt upon all the people. (Lev 4:3) The sin offering for the high priest is the same as if the whole community sinned. (Lev 4:13-21)

Zechariah was a high priest. Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous before God. (Luke 1:6) They never had children and now were too old to have any. In this culture and time, it was looked down upon or shameful not to have children.

I find it interesting that a high priest in the Lord’s temple would have doubts about having a child when told by a messenger of God that he would. You would think that a person in that capacity would be more open to the miracles of God. I think we can be short-sighted when it comes to the supernatural because of what we know to be true of our physical world. We may think we are open to the supernatural but when we come face to face with forces not predictable by our understanding of our physical world, I think we waver. Zechariah is a great example of how saints need the cross just as much as sinners. In contrast, Mary, with layman’s view of God, asks how it could be that she could conceive because she is a virgin. She is told what will happen and she does not hesitate to accept this truth.

Gabriel tells Zechariah that he will be mute until what he told Zechariah happens. Zechariah is mute for at least nine months but what is the first thing he says when he is able to talk? He speaks blessing God. Zechariah and Elizabeth are beyond blessed, what was impossible now is. They had a child. So, Zechariah prophesied (a declaration of a word from the Lord through a direct prompting of the Holy Spirit) telling of how God has raised up a horn of salvation and remembered his holy covenant with Abraham. He told how we will be delivered from our enemies, able to serve God with holiness and righteousness without fear. He talked of how their son John will be the prophet of the Highest and will prepare the way of the Lord. He will tell the people of salvation and forgiveness of sin because of the tender mercy of our God. John will point the way to Jesus Christ who is our High Priest. (Hebrew 4:14-16)

Just as John prepared the way for Jesus, should we not prepare the way for Jesus’ return. After all, we are a royal priesthood. (1 Peter 2:9) So I ask myself and you, how can we in our everyday life with Gods Holy Spirit residing in us, point to Jesus? How can we show the love of God in a sometimes dark and unfriendly world? How can we go beyond our thoughts and into action within our realm of influence to help bridge the gap between people and Jesus? How can we live in a way that honors God and Christ Jesus our High Priest?

Ponder His word my friend and enjoy the journey!

victoria lynn  

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