New Testament Luke 2:20 - 3:14

I’m driving through downtown Mount Dora and these signposts catch my eye.  There are numerous signs on one pole with business names on them and a directional arrow that points the way to that business. Hmmm, there are so many businesses.

I was just reading in Luke where Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went to Jerusalem. When they were ready to go back home to Nazareth, Jesus stayed behind in the temple. He was listening and asking the teachers questions. Joseph and Mary did not know he was in the temple and it took them three days to find Jesus. They were so distressed. We would be too if our 12-year-old son was missing for three days. Jesus seemed surprised that his parents were looking for him.  He asked them “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?”

What is his Father’s business? Why did Jesus need to be in his Father’s house? (not Joseph’s but God’s, his biological father) Being fully human, he was learning and preparing for God’s business. Jesus came to save the world. (John 3:16-17) Jesus teaches us we have business as well. Thank God it’s not to save the world. I would not want that much responsibility and pressure.

So, what is our business? Let’s see, to be good citizens, husbands, wives, children? To make money to obtain, and maintain our homes, vehicles, food, and clothing? Is our business education and/or to be good employers and employees? How about making it our business to be good friends and neighbors? Then, there is entertainment; there is a lot of business going on there! Wait I’ve got it — church, small groups, bible study and reading, these are important for good Christians, right?

While some of these things are important to God and to us, in and of themselves, they are not our real business, that is, not our Father’s business. It’s just the way we humans do life in this temporal world.  Whether or not we believe Jesus Christ is our savior we humans do these things in varying degrees.

But as a disciple (a follower of Jesus Christ) we are to help others follow Jesus. Our real business is what many call the great commission. Jesus commanded us to teach what He taught and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. (Matthew 18-20) Does this mean we have to quit our jobs and become missionaries or preachers? Only if God told you to, but the rest of us are led in different ways. As a church, we are different parts of the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12)

I think a huge step in going about our Father’s business is daily living out the greatest commandment, which is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:36-40) That’s a whole other devotional.

The artwork I’m doing in the Creating Through the Bible series is a sign similar to the ones I saw in Mount Dora. Instead of having local businesses listed on the sign, I’m going to show the various things that keep us busy in life. As a reminder to go about my Fathers business, I will add to the top of the signpost a Love God and Love Each Other sign. As I’m teaching, making art, grocery shopping, creating videos, attending church…just doing life, I want to love God and love each other. Our worship leader at church says that often and it warms my heart to see others wanting to do the same thing. Lord, please teach me to do that better!

Let’s ponder His word together and enjoy the journey, loving God and loving each other!

My friends, ponder His Word and enjoy the journey!

victoria lynn  

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