Create with Victoria Lynn, Hypocrisy, Luke, Bible Journaling

There is so much imagery and beautiful concepts to explore on this page; I cannot address it all in this little devotional and Bible art entry. Let’s narrow down our devotional to Luke 6:39-6:45.

Can a blind man lead a blind man?

Many scholars believe Jesus was talking about the Pharisees. The Pharisees were the Jewish religious leaders of the time. Let’s take a quick look at what Jesus says in scripture about the Pharisees in Matthew 23:1-39 and Luke 18:10-14. It is not very flattering; Jesus found pride and hypocrisy rather than humility and truth.

Many people view the church as judgmental and its people hypocritical. I believe it is a matter of not understanding what it means to be a Christian. So, let’s take a look at what hypocrisy means. According to hypocrisy means: “a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.”

I was listening to a sermon at church several weeks ago, and the Pastor said the Greek word for hypocrite is ὑποκριταί (hypokritai) which means “stage actors.” The very job of an actor or actress is to be seen and to seek the love and approval of their audience in various roles. My guess is that we have all done this with varying degrees in our lives. We are wanting to be seen, seeking the love and approval of others, or saying or doing something not quite in line with what we believe.

Whether we are believers or non-believers, we are all hypocrites. Romans 3:23 tells us we have ALL sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Just looking at the ten commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 or Deuteronomy 5:6-21) shows how EVERYONE falls short. Not one person who ever was, is, or will be can meet those requirements of the law 100 percent of their time in life, except Jesus. Jesus, the perfect Son of God, died on the cross and, in three days, rose again, defeating even death. His blood shed for my sin. He fulfilled the law.

As followers of Jesus, we believe He is the standard of perfection, and the more we try to be like Him, the more we understand how far from perfect we are. The Ten Commandments and Luke 6:40-42 reminds us of this. We don’t instantly change to perfection upon becoming a believer. It is a process as God changes us in our minds and hearts through His Holy Spirit and Word to be more like Jesus. Are we hypocrites because we believe what we can’t live 100 percent of the time? By the strictest sense, yes, but I have hope that anchors my soul to Jesus (Heb 6:19). One day I will be like Him (1John 3:2).

Luke 41-42 had me laughing out loud. I could picture clearly in my mind’s eye a sawmill in full operation on the bottom rim of my eye. Drawn cartoon characters are using a chain saw to cut logs that float down the stream from my eye. I choose this imagery for the Bible art entry. This scripture is teaching us to be honest with God and ourselves about what is in our hearts. God will teach us through His Holy Spirit as we seek Him. (John 14:26) We can and do know the truth through the power of the Holy Spirit. Though we see through a glass darkly, when we fail, it is through Jesus Christ that we have put on the Breastplate of righteousness protecting our core and allowing us to move into truth.

Luke 6:43-44 continues to explain how every tree is unique and has its fruit, but a good tree will produce good fruit, and a bad tree will produce bad fruit. I love this picture of us rooted in Jesus and how we will produce good fruit. That no matter what the world says, the glorious, beautiful, loving, kind, peaceful, gracious, merciful, powerful kingdom of God can be seen, known, experienced, and shared by us because out of the abundance of the heart our mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45) If our mouth is not speaking out of love and grace, it is an indication that we might want to look into our eyes and check to see if that sawmill is in operation.

Let’s ponder His Word and enjoy the journey.


victoria lynn  

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