Royal Egyptian Cat


Royal Egyptian Cat

Today we will get our inspiration from the Royal Cats of Ancient Egypt. Our Egyptian cat friend is going to help us learn about warm and cool colors. We will also learn about the principle of art called Pattern. We will be using a technique called collage to put everything together.

Cat glued onto background

Royal Egyptian Cats

The ancient Egyptians love their cats. They had a goddess named Bastet that they worshiped. This goddess had the head of a cat and the body of a human. The ancient Egyptians thought that cats had some of Bastet’s energy. They treated their cats with honor and gave them the very best. They made jewelry and amulets with cats and kittens on them and wore them for good luck.  If you killed a cat, even by accident, your punishment was death. They loved their cats so much they even mummified their cats like they did the Pharos. Mummy Cat Bitmojo

read aloud button

Book cover for Mummy Cat

Royal Egyptian Cat
vocabulary button

Royal Egyptian Cat

Royal Egyptian Cat


Learn more about new words and terms used in this project


  • Definition:
    • A collage is a piece of art created by gluing or attaching photos, paper, or small object onto a surface

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  • Definition:
    • pattern is a design in which lines, shapes, forms, or colors are repeated.
    • The part that is repeated is called a motif. 
    • Patterns are a Principle of Art and can be regular or irregular.

examples of patterns

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Warm and Cool Colors

  • Definition

    • Warm and cool colors are a type of color scheme.
    • Warm colors remind us of the sun on a warm summer day. Warm colors are Red, Yellow, and Orange.
    • Warm colors tend to move forward in space in your art.
    • Cool colors remind us of clean bodies of water. Cool colors are Blue, Green, and Purple
    • Cool colors tend to recede in space in your art.

Examples of warm and cool color schemes

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supplies button

Royal Egyptian Cat

Royal Egyptian Cat

Supplies Needed

12 x 18 Black Construction Paper

12 x 18 White Construction Paper

Black oil pastel or Black Crayon

Various colors of Oil Pastels or Crayons

Tempera Paints – primary and secondary colors

Metallic Markers like a Silver Sharpie



In case you need a copy of the supplies, here is a place where you can get a copy. ->> Download Now

Things you will need

As a teacher, I have found that gathering your supplies and resources before starting your art project makes creating art so much more fun.

The following are some ideas for this project I hope you will find helpful.

Idea one: Gather the supplies listed on the supply list.

Idea two: Here are a few ideas for creating different Ancient Egyptian borders in your project.

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Project Time

Before we start a project it is always a good plan to review the supplies and other things that may be needed. You do not want to get into the project only to learn that you do not have that one essential item. Let’s review now, Click here..

hand drawing for art project
Contour cat drawing with headdress

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drawing of a cat with patterns

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painted cat

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boarder for cat background

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Cat glued onto background

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It was great having you in the class and working with you on this project.

I had a lot of fun and hope you did too.

I look forward to seeing you in my other classes.

head shot of victoria lynn    create with victoria lynn logo

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